CBB Milestones


Hired Dr. Maria Spies as Associate Director 

Hired 4 new staff member

Hired 4 new interns

Purchased a new Biostat D100 Fermenter

Purchased a new Biostat B Fermenter


Organizational restructuring of the CBB's Microbial Biomanufacturing and Research Facility to better meet our client's needs

Student [Transition States] Organization (TSO) becomes a sanctioned University organization


Completed 100th manufacturing campaign for a 2nd specific client

Completed 100th manufacturing campaign for a specific client

Continued support of CBB Seed Grants (3 more funded)

CBB Initiated Student Affiliation Group: Student [Transition States] Organization (TSO)

Hired 2 new Staff members


Hired Dr. Tonya Peeples as Associate Director

Dr. Rob Kerns becomes new Principal Investigator for the CBB’s Predoctoral Training Program in Biotechnology

Funded 3 initial CBB Seed Grants

Hired 1 new Staff member


CBB initiates Student LinkedIn Group

Hired 2 new Staff members


Celebrated our 25th Annual CBB Conference

Hired Dr. Mark Arnold as new Director

Dr. Mani Subramanian retired as Director


Hired Dr. Mark Arnold as new Associate Director

CBB Offers Course on Upstream Biotechnology Processes


Completed 2 successful vaccine campaigns.

Successfully scaled up Picha fermentaton to 500 Liters.

Completed Tech transfer of Pyruvate production via biocatalysis.

Completed over 50 successful cGMP campaigns. IND filing by one of our clients.
Grand Opening of cGMP Fermentaion Facility. Validation of critical equipment and performance of engineering runs.
Start construction of cGMP fermentation facility.

NSF Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Beneficial Catalysis funded.

CBB Director search initiated in 2004.

State of Iowa awarded $3 million for construction of cGMP facility in 2004.

Purchase of former Apovia laboratory for purification component of cGMP facility in 2005.

New CBB Director Mani Subramania joins in October 2005.

1999 -2000

3rd NIH Training Grant – led by Professor Daniel Quinn.

E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Co. donates gift of 14 patents on glycolate oxidase (GO) technology to the UI through the CBB.

UI DuPont Mini-symposium on GO technology held in June 1999.

Grants to develop GO technology awarded in October 1999.


Final equipping of the CBB lab. Twenty-two fermentors, downstream and analytical equipment.

Establishment of Research and Process Development laboratory (RPD).

Recruitment, training and building an experienced laboratory staff.

First grants/contracts for fermentation bioprocessing in CBB Laboratory.

NSF Training Grant - Gene Expression in Bioremediation led by E.P. Greenberg and Gene Parkin.


2nd NIH Biotechnology Training Grant - led by David T. Gibson.


Planning and architectural development of the CBB Laboratory at Oakdale - led by a multi-departmental committee.

Construction, initial equipping and staffing of the CBB laboratory.

UI Core Fermentation Facility moved to CBB lab.


1st annual CBB Conference held in Iowa City.


CBB receives Board of Regents recognition as “The Center for Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing” in the State of Iowa.

Won 1st NIH Training Grant in Biotechnology in 1990 marked scientific peer recognition of the strength of the CBB led by Prof. David. T. Gibson.

CBB awards first predoctoral fellowships.

1st funding from state of Iowa to formally establish the CBB, and support establishment of a governing structure, standing committees and staff.

Industrial affiliates program established.

2nd Industry-University "Mini-symposium" held with scientists from Eli Lilly.


First Industry-University biocatalysis “Mini-symposium” with Eastman Kodak.

Eastman Kodak donates $37,000 to the Biocatalysis Research group for the support of three predoctoral fellows.


Professor David T. Gibson accepts the 1st Endowed Chair in Biocatalysis in the USA after a worldwide search by a multi-departmental committee.


The 1st UI Fermentation Facility through an NSF grant led by Professor Lacy Daniels with participation of Biocatalysis faculty.


Biocatalysis Research Group founded - 15 faculty members from five departments.

The Biocatalysis Seminar program began in 1983.

More than 250 top scientists from throughout the world invited since then.