Students who wish to participate in the Poster Competition and/or 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) Video Competition will be asked to provide an abstract during their conference registration.

For the Poster Competition, a Structured Abstract (500 words max.) must be submitted by the registration deadline and should include the following distinct, labeled sections:

- Background: why are you doing this research and why should we care?
- Objectives: what exactly are you trying to achieve?
- Methods: how are you going to achieve your objectives?
- Results: what did you learn or find?
- Conclusion: put your results in context and connect them back to the background of your research, objectives, implications, and broader impacts.

Please Note: poster competition participants must upload a PDF of their poster at least 5 days in advance, before the day of the conference. 

For the 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) Video Competition, a short abstract of up to 300 words should be provided by the registration deadline. The recordings for this competition must be submitted by Friday, September 27th, 2024, at Midnight (US Central Time)